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Tulare, CA, Pastors & Leaders Brunch

California has become a war zone. Everything is a crisis. Every issue is divisive, complicated, and explosive.
We are facing the greatest resistance to our faith we have ever seen.
Those who would be used of God in California face unrivaled hostility. Churches and Christian leaders meet fierce resistance. Yet, during this flood of evil, I have experienced supernatural solutions.
Up and down California, thousands are being born again. Miracles of healing fill our tent. Fires of revival blaze in churches. But this is not the real story.
The real story is the process Jesus took me through to receive these solutions. That is what I yearn to share with you at this free brunch.
These solutions are not just for preachers. They’ll bring victory in business, education, law enforcement, and politics—wherever God has made you a leader.
You will never regret taking the time to join me for this free brunch. Bring key members of your team. It is free but you must register.Give me the chance to give you real encouragement. Let me pray with you to receive a supernatural infusion of faith, fire, wisdom and direction.
There is a special place at the table for you and your select team. As I said, it is free but you must register. Click the red button GET TICKETS on the left to register instantly.
I am very much looking forward to seeing you at this historic gathering!