
Reporting & Analytics

Anytime, Anywhere

Easily track your marketing and ticket sales with 24/7 access to reports, in real time, on any device.

Ticket Sales Reports

Easily monitor returns on your marketing efforts, with data that’s segmented by date, location, and ZIP code radius.

Google Maps

Instantly view the locations of buyers, and customize date ranges to determine effectiveness of marketing and booking over time.

Sold Maps

View a live, interactive map of available seats, holds, and accessible seating.

Discount Reporting

Track progress of coupons, promotions, and discounts.

Financial Reports

Reconcile orders by method of payment, view order transaction history, and locate refunds and cancellations at any time.

Transaction Reconciliation

Payment details and activity on every order allow you to easily resolve questions, confusion, or disputes.

Customer Data Exports

Ticket-buyer information is stored for you to export at any time, to expand your marketing database or send important updates.


Integrate with Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel to find out how many visits your event page gets, where they are from, and how often they visit.

Sales Charts

Chart orders and ticket sales by ticket type, order date (day or month), payment type, or mile radius from a given zip code, as well as evaluate funds collected over time.

Merchandise Reporting

Keep merch sale totals separate for easy accounting, and for a quick tally of inventory needed.